Blog Choosing the Best Embedded Analytics Tool for Your Needs in 2023

Choosing the Best Embedded Analytics Tool for Your Needs in 2023

Choosing the Best Embedded Analytics Tool for Your Needs in 2023

In the dynamic landscape of 2023, businesses are no longer just powered by people; they’re propelled by data. The rise of data-driven decision-making has transformed the way organizations operate, strategize, and innovate. Gone are the days when data analysis was a separate, time-consuming task. Today, embedded analytics are the powerhouse—integrating real-time insights directly within applications. This fusion ensures that insights aren’t just available; they’re actionable, right where and when you need them. 

In this article, we’ll explore how to choose the best embedded analytics tool to align with your unique needs, ensuring that your business not only keeps pace but also leads in this data-driven era.

What to Look for in an Embedded Analytics Tool?

As businesses increasingly lean on data-driven insights, embracing an embedded analytics tool becomes paramount. But with so many options available, how do you choose the one that fits just right? Let’s unravel the top considerations to guide your decision:

Native Database Integration 

In data analytics, speed is of the essence. Tools that natively integrate with databases, especially powerhouses like MongoDB, offer unparalleled speed and flexibility. On the flip side, tools requiring data movement or additional drivers can introduce latency and complexity, potentially hampering real-time insights.

Data Blending Capabilities

In the complex landscape of modern business, data is scattered across multiple platforms and sources. The ability to seamlessly blend this data provides a holistic view, crucial for businesses juggling diverse data sources.

Customization and White-labeling

Your analytics should feel like an extension of your brand. Tools that offer extensive customization options, from CSS/HTML tweaks to setting default visualization palettes, allow businesses to align analytics with their brand identity. For SaaS providers, white-label solutions can offer an added layer of brand consistency and professionalism.


As businesses grow, so do their data and user demands. It’s vital to choose tools that can scale seamlessly to accommodate increasing data volumes and user loads. Cloud-native architectures can also offer flexibility and scalability benefits, ensuring your analytics tool grows with you.

Security and Compliance

Data is valuable, and its security is non-negotiable. Ensuring tools meet industry-specific compliance requirements and offer features like role-based access control, encryption, and audit trails is paramount.

Ease of Use and User Experience

An analytics tool should be accessible to all, not just the tech-savvy. Intuitive interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and easy dashboard creation ensure that even non-technical users can harness the power of data.

Support and Documentation

A robust support system can make the difference between seamless integration and prolonged challenges. Comprehensive tutorials, community forums, and timely customer support responses can significantly enhance the user experience.


The ease of implementation can’t be overstated. With custom code samples and options like simple iframe embeds, JavaScript API embeds, and secure URL embeds, the integration process becomes smoother.

Remember, every business is unique and there might be specific needs or considerations pertaining to your operations. Whether it’s cost, integration with other tools, or future roadmap, ensure your chosen tool aligns with your broader business goals. With the right tool, data becomes more than just numbers; it becomes the engine navigating your business towards unrivalled success.

Top Embedded Analytics Tools in 2023

The market is brimming with options, each catering to specific needs, industries, and scales of operation. From start-ups looking for cost-effective solutions to large enterprises seeking robust, scalable platforms, there’s a tool for everyone. However, it’s important to sift through the noise and pinpoint a tool that aligns with your business objectives, technical infrastructure, and budgetary constraints. In this section, we’ll spotlight some of the standout embedded analytics tools of 2023, delving into their unique features and strengths, to help you make an informed decision.


Knowi stands out in the embedded analytics landscape with its robust native integration with MongoDB. This seamless integration ensures that users can directly tap into their MongoDB data without the need for any additional layers or conversions, making real-time analytics faster and more efficient. 


  • Seamless MongoDB Integration: Direct, hassle-free access to MongoDB data, eliminating the need for intermediary steps or tools.
  • Superior Data Blending: With Knowi, users can cohesively merge data from diverse sources, ensuring a unified and comprehensive analytical view.
  • Adaptable and Customizable: Tailored analytics experiences are achievable thanks to Knowi’s extensive customization options.
  • Future-Proof Scalability: Knowi is built to accommodate the evolving needs of businesses, ensuring it remains relevant as data demands grow.


  • Initial Setup: For those unfamiliar with MongoDB or data blending, the initial setup might require a steeper learning curve.
  • Pricing: Depending on the scale and features required, Knowi might be on the pricier side for small businesses, though well worth it in the long run.

Best Suited For:

  • Data Teams: Given its advanced data blending capabilities, Knowi is a boon for data teams looking to derive comprehensive insights.
  • Businesses with Diverse Data Sources: Organizations juggling data from multiple sources will find Knowi’s blending capabilities invaluable.
  • SaaS Companies: With its customization and white-labeling options, SaaS providers can seamlessly integrate Knowi into their offerings, enhancing their product’s value proposition.

SelectHub Score: 96%

G2 Score: 4.8/5


SiSense is a comprehensive embedded analytics platform designed to simplify complex data from multiple sources. 


  • End-to-End Solution: SiSense offers a complete analytics solution, from data integration to visualization.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The drag-and-drop functionality ensures even non-technical users can create insightful dashboards.
  • AI-Driven Insights: With its AI capabilities, SiSense can offer predictive analytics, enhancing decision-making processes.
  • Robust Integration: SiSense can integrate with a myriad of data sources, ensuring a cohesive data analytics experience.


  • Pricing: For smaller businesses or startups, SiSense might be on the higher end of the budget spectrum.
  • Complexity: While SiSense offers a range of features, it might be overwhelming for users looking for simpler analytics solutions.

Best Suited For:

  • Mid to Large Enterprises: Given its comprehensive feature set and scalability, SiSense is ideal for medium to large businesses with complex data needs.
  • Data Analysts and BI Teams: The platform offers advanced analytics capabilities that can be harnessed by data professionals for in-depth insights.

SelectHub Score: 88%

G2 Score: 4.3/5


Looker is built on a web-based interface, connecting to your database to provide real-time analytics and insights. 


  • Real-Time Analytics: Looker’s direct database connection ensures up-to-date insights without the need for ETL processes.
  • LookML Modeling: This unique feature ensures data consistency and reliability across the platform.
  • Collaborative Features: Looker promotes team collaboration with its built-in sharing and discussion tools.
  • Extensive Integrations: Looker supports a wide range of data sources and integrates seamlessly with various third-party applications.


  • Learning Curve: While LookML offers advanced customization, it might require some time for users to master.
  • Performance Issues: Some users have reported occasional lag, especially with large datasets.
  • Pricing: Depending on the scale and features required, Looker might be on the higher end for some businesses.

Best Suited For:

  • Data-Driven Teams: Looker’s emphasis on real-time insights and data consistency makes it ideal for teams that prioritize data-driven decision-making.
  • Collaborative Environments: Businesses that emphasize team collaboration and discussion around data will find Looker’s collaborative features beneficial.

SelectHub Score: 87%

G2 Score: 4.4/5


Domo is a cloud-based business intelligence platform designed to provide direct, simplified access to business data. 


  • Cloud-Based Platform: Being cloud-native ensures that Domo is accessible anytime, anywhere, facilitating real-time decision-making.
  • Intuitive Interface: The drag-and-drop functionality makes it user-friendly, even for those without a technical background.
  • Extensive Connectors: Domo’s vast array of pre-built connectors simplifies the integration of diverse data sources.
  • Collaboration Tools: Domo emphasizes team collaboration with features like shared dashboards and alert notifications.


  • Pricing Model: Domo’s pricing can be on the higher side, especially for smaller businesses or startups.
  • Complexity: While Domo offers a range of features, it can be overwhelming for users who are new to business intelligence tools.
  • Customization Limitations: Advanced users might find some limitations in terms of deep customization or specific data manipulations.

Best Suited For:

  • Large Enterprises: Given its comprehensive feature set and scalability, Domo is particularly suited for larger organizations with complex data integration needs.
  • Collaborative Teams: Organizations that prioritize team collaboration around data-driven insights will benefit from Domo’s shared dashboards and alerting features.

SelectHub Score: 88%

G2 Score: 4.4/5

Final Thoughts: Selecting Your Ideal Embedded Analytics Tool

Keep in mind that while features and functionalities are critical, the best tool is the one that resonates with your business goals. Does it enhance your decision-making processes? Can it scale with your growth trajectory? These are the questions that should guide your selection.

Moreover, the real test of an analytics tool lies in its performance in real-world scenarios. It’s one thing to read about features and another to experience them firsthand. This is where testing and evaluation come into play. Engage with the tool, simulate real-world scenarios, and assess its responsiveness, accuracy, and ease of use.

Lastly, before committing to a tool, always start with a trial or demo. This hands-on experience can provide needed insights into the tool’s capabilities and its fit for your business. For instance, Knowi offers a comprehensive demo, allowing potential users to explore its features in depth to ensure an informed decision.

The journey to selecting the perfect embedded analytics tool is a blend of research, testing, and introspection. Take your time, evaluate your options, and choose a tool that not only meets your current needs but also supports your business vision for the future.

About Knowi

Knowi has firmly established itself as a leader in the embedded analytics domain. Born from a vision to transform data into actionable insights, Knowi has consistently delivered innovative solutions tailored to the evolving needs of businesses worldwide. With a global clientele that includes both industry leaders and dynamic startups, Knowi’s commitment to excellence and innovation remains unwavering.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, so does Knowi, ensuring that our offerings remain cutting-edge and relevant. If you’re looking to elevate your data-driven decision-making, there’s no better time to explore what Knowi has to offer.
Ready to experience the power of Knowi firsthand? Book a demo today and embark on a transformative analytics journey.

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